Watch almost every video on the web on your TV via Amazon FireTV, without the need of any additional companion- or receiver-app
Unlike similar apps, Cast Controller gets the video directly from your browser after the site has been loaded completely and therefore handles a huge variety of video players and -sites
Works seamlessly with sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Vimeo and Clipfish, as well as almost every video your phone's browser would play, too
Control video playback directly from your phone
Chromium Browser with Favorites management and built-in Search Engine and Autocomplete
Advanced Browser features like Desktop mode, Browsing history and disabling Javascript or Cookies (PRO feature)
Safety first! The built-in, lightweight AdBlocker and Tracking Protection prevent ads from annoying you and malicious sites redirecting you (PRO feature)
Play your last-seen videos directly, without having to re-visit the page (PRO feature)