Building the Body is published 4 times a year and gives a new slant on bodybuilding. It’s all about how to get the most from your training by having a holistic approach, paying attention to all aspects of your workouts, nutrition, attitude and recuperation. Unlike other bodybuilding mags that contain 75% advertising, it contains no paid advertising, just helpful information based on my personal experience and that of my clients.
In this edition: 1. How to Grow -- Gaining muscle size and body weight depends on stimulating the big muscles masses like thighs, glutes, and back. But if you get these areas too big you lose proportion. What to do? 2. The Let's Grow training routine -- is a preview of Frank's two way split workout which is detailed in his upcoming book Let's Grow. Get a head start by doing this result producing program now! 3. The Steve Clark story -- from open heart surgery to bodybuilding champion Steve tells his story. 4. Fernandez Wins Trophy -- on his second attempt at Masters Mr. Border States, Fernandez places second and impresses everyone with his definition and presentation. 5. Bodybuilding and Bermuda Shorts -- What's up with guys wearing pants down to their knees on stage to be judged as a complete physique? What about thighs? Read what we think. 6. AGES and Aging -- AGES stands for advanced glycation end stages and its buildup in the body is related to accelerated aging changes and disease. 7. Get Lats and Serratus -- Here's how Frank did it and still does. 8. Frank Zane's Egg White Perfection is now available - there's nothing like this on the market! 9. Layoffs -- Do you need them? When? 10. Interesting Email 11. Do Your Workouts Work? -- How can you tell if you are doing what's need to make progress? 12. L Glutamine -- It's my morning scene. Why you need to take it. 13. The Old Weaver -- a fascinating tale about an old man's enlightenment. 14. Frankly Speaking -- What's the Valentine's Day Special?