Microsoft Access is a complete relational database management system that offers powerful tools for creating tables, queries, forms and reports. Queries constitute an important group of objects in any database, including a Microsoft Access database. This book surveys the types of queries you can create in Access, including Select, Action, and SQL queries. With Select queries the text surveys how to manage the tables and fields that make up a query, how to create criteria, write expressions, use functions, and create totals and Crosstab queries. The book also discusses PivotTable and PivotCharts. Action queries are the second class of queries and the book details how to create and use Make Table, Append, Delete, and Update queries. The book ends with a discussion of the three types of SQL queries Access recognizes: Union, Pass-Through, and Data Definition. For each type of query discussed important properties and points are highlighted, and clear and easy to follow procedures guide you through the creation, modification, and running of every type of query. This title is the second in a series on Building components for a Microsoft Access 2010 database. The books in this series focus on a task-based approach to learning Microsoft Access and therefore differ from other books that feature a complete review of all the commands and tools available in Microsoft Access. Schiavone taught database design for large organizations for over 10 years. This task-based approach to learning is the result of years of field experience in training office and technology workers what they need to know to get the job done.