COLOR: TK-1 FAIR LIGHT MEDIUM Ben Nye Theatrical Professional Makeup Kits are a standard for class and production. Theatrical Creme Kits Ben Nye products are intensely pigmented, easy to blend, and provide exceptional design options. Each Ben Nye Theatrical Pro Makeup Kit includes these components based on skin tone: Three Creme Foundations, Creme Contour Wheel (Cheek Rouge, Lip Color and two Creme Colors), Bruise & Abrasions Wheel, Highlight, Shadow, White Creme Color, Powder Cheek Rouge, Eyebrow Pencil, Lip Pencil, Black Pencil, Liquid Latex, Nose & Scar Wax, Hair Color, Translucent Face Powder, Spirit Gum Adhesive, Spirit Gum Remover, Stage Blood, Rouge Brush, Velour Powder Puff, Sponge Applicators, Stipple Sponge, No. 3 Flat Brush, No. 7 Flat Brush, Eyebrow / Lash Comb, Swab Applicators.