Now safe in the hulk of a captured Spider Battleship being used as a repair and research-station. Jack repairs and upgrades the Red Pepper (little better than a hulk itself) with the help of his new friends and crew, (the ex crew slaves of the Spider Battleships he had destroyed). Only now Jack without even a ship, faces yet another damaged Spider monster Assault Battleship that survived Jack's first attack months before. While the bigotry and terror of the Republic Fleet Command (after half the Republic fleet was destroyed), wants nothing to do with Jack and his ex-slaves. Put a blockade around Jacks station, holding all food and supplies. Starving to death Jack must find or steal food for his crew while Corrupt Congressional Earth Admirals sent to replace the Republic Fleet Admirals, send a fleet of knew battleships with only Earth crews to destroy the hulk station, kill Jack and capture the ex-slaves to imprison and torture them for the technology (they have already given Jack willingly), so they can force the Colony star systems making up the Republic to obey their rules and taxes whether they want to or not. Not the least bit worried by the thousands of approaching Spider Battleships as long as they only take Colony worlds. Sure that once they have complete control of the colony worlds and executed any malcontents, Earth will be able to negotiate a peace with the Spider Battleship Fleet or force the billions on the Colony worlds to sacrifice their lives in suicide attacks against the enemy leaving Earth's Elites safe far from harm. Only Jack is in a position to stop them before they can steel the God Technology and the Ex-slaves to enslave the Colonies, destroying the Republic and crown Earth King of all humans. While trying to keep a new Spider Fleet arriving at The Cloud from putting an early end to any human resistance and before Jack's growing squadron starves to death.