In a remote cabin, a couple playing kinky sex games are assaulted by unknown assailants...In the lonely woods, a man and his dog fight for survival against a monstrous foe...In the dirty backwaters, trappers fall prey to the very creatures they are trained to hunt...In the town, the streets run red as mass slaughter spreads like the plague.
Gary Cage came to Beaver Ridge with his young son to escape the horrors of city life and the demons that haunted him. Little did he realize that the sleepy, vacation town had been overrun by ravenous, mutant creatures seemingly released from the bowels of Hell. Soon, he would find himself fighting not only for the lives of himself and his family, but for the entire human race. He would also discover a new word for horror...BEAVERS!
"Reminiscent of the 1970’s animal-rebellion horror movies. If you like escaping into a scary book with some humor as well, then definitely read BEAVERS!"
~ D.F. Holland, Author of “Tales from the Beaumont House.â€
"This book is the embodiment (and sometimes disembodiment!) of blood, gore, excitement, and sheer terror. I’d love to see it on the silver screen in 3-D – Bloody awesome!"
~ Mary VanMeer,