ANCIENT MYSTIC YONA: Meet Yona, an ancient mystic hailing from the distant Kodak tribe, skilled in the art of resurrecting fallen heroes. With her unique abilities, she can raise heroes from the dead to join your Guild's cause.
LEGENDARY ARCHER KURUK: Kuruk, a bowman of unparalleled skill, possesses an uncanny ability to hit the mark, even when his arrows seemingly miss their target. His unparalleled archery skills make him a formidable force on the battlefield.
UNLEASH MYSTICAL POWERS: Yona and Kuruk bring their mystical and archery talents to your Guild, enhancing your strategic options and adding depth to your gameplay. Their unique abilities offer new ways to confront the challenges of Arcadia.
TEAM UP WITH THE KODAK TRIBE: Yona and Kuruk. They have journeyed to Arcadia to join the battle against the forces of Inferno, and their skills will prove invaluable in your quest for victory.
EXPANSIVE ADVENTURES: Expand your Arcadia Quest experience with Yona & Kuruk as you dive deeper into the captivating world of the game. These two heroes bring their distinct personalities and talents to enhance your gaming sessions.