An introduction to the basic concepts of The Urantia Book, including quotations and illustrations. The purpose is to aquaint the reader not only with basic concepts of The Utrantia Book, but with a sampling of its breadth, depth, and viewpoints. Starting with an overview of The Urantia Book, it introduces the nature of the Creator and creation, planetary history and dispensations, the Lucifer rebellion, Adam and Eve's default, spiritual ministries to humans, and life after death. The last chapter is devoted to who Jesus was, what He did on earth, and excerpts from His life and teachings. This introduction also includes topics such as religion, women/men/equality/marriage, government on a neighboring planet, war, and more. As stated in the introduction to the book, the author writes "God is love, the Creator, sustainer, and upholder of all creation. The Urantia Book is a great revelation, a presentation of universal facts and truths to us, about the Creator and about creation. It greatly expands our views and understandings of the Creator and the cosmos, and with this bigger picture, science, religion, and philosophy become integrated. We are not alone in the universe, quite the contrary. The Urantia Book was written by love-respecting, civilized inhabitants of the universe. It was written by a revelatory comittee, initially through a contact human, for the betterment of our planet."