A compelling Aida, especially for those who revel in a virtuoso orchestra going through its paces. Under Karajan's baton, the Vienna Phil plays with breathtaking elegance and refinement, not perhaps the ideal attributes of a Verdian pit band but undeniably exciting, as are the conductor's tempo choices, often faster or slower than usual. In 1959, Tebaldi remained a great Aida even if she was in fresher voice for her earlier mono recording. Bergonzi is a characterful Radames, Simionato a terrific, full-bodied Amneris, and the rest of the cast vocally fine, if occasionally bland. The excellent transfer is better balanced than earlier releases of this recording, helping to earn its place among the choice Aidas on disc, though I prefer RCA's mono version with Milanov and Bjorling from 1955, also at midprice. But you can never have too many Aidas. --Dan Davis