Sailing Theory and Practice
Sailing Theory and Practice. A Scientific Analysis, with 335 Drawings and Photographs of the Aerodynamic, Hydrodynamic and Other Design Factors which Define a Yacht's Behaviour.
Theory of Wing Sections: Including a Summary of Airfoil Data (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
The Elements of Boat Strength: For Builders, Designers, and Owners
Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts: The Science Behind Sailing Yachts and Their Design
Seamanship Secrets: 185 Tips & Techniques for Better Navigation, Cruise Planning, and Boat Handling Under Power or Sail
The Sailmaker's Apprentice: A Guide for the Self-Reliant Sailor
Elements of Yacht Design: The Original Edition of the Classic Book on Yacht Design (Seafarer Books)
The Art and Science of Sails: A Guide to Modern Materials, Construction, Aerodynamics, Upkeep, and Use