Helps you accomplish the otherwise tricky task of aligning the clutch disc between the pressure plate and flywheel
Keeps the parts perfectly centered while you tighten and torque the bolts
Specially designed for your application
Saves time and prevents frustration
90 day limited manufacturer's warranty
If you have ever replaced the clutch on a vehicle, you know that one of the tricky parts is aligning the clutch disc between the pressure plate and the flywheel. Getting all the parts lined up correctly, and keeping them in place while you evenly tighten the bolts on the pressure plate, is critical to a proper clutch job. With patience and luck you may eventually accomplish this on your own, or you can use an alignment tool that is specially designed for your clutch. It keeps everything perfectly centered while you tighten and torque your bolts, so it will be easier to mate the engine and transmission back together. Look at the low price, and think about the time you can save and frustration you can avoid.