Returning aboard an ocean liner from the Hawaiian Islands, where she and husband, aviator Ted Fox, enjoyed their honeymoon, Kit Shannon is contacted by a desperate woman, Wanda Boswell, who fears something terrible is about to happen to her. When Wanda's new husband turns up dead on the ship, Wanda looks to Kit for legal protection, and Kit decides to defend the young woman.
The trial is to take place in a small port city south of Los Angeles, a city where corruption is the prevailing currency. But is it possible that Kit's client is not as innocent as she declares? With the help of her friend and able assistant, Corazón Chavez, Kit will once again have to get at the truth, even as the obstacles mount and the dangers increase.
James Scott Bell is a multi-bestselling author and the winner of the Christy Award for Excellence. He is also the author of the #1 bestselling book for writers, Plot & Structure. He lives and writes in Los Angeles.