What is it that senior leaders need to "get" about safety? What is it that key safety leaders need in order to influence the organization and improve performance?
In their new book, Tom R. Krause and Kristen J. Bell bring together decades of experience in the field with industry-leading research to distill the 7 essential insights that all leaders need to know about safety.
Packed with easy-to-read insights, the book will provide your leadership with an executable roadmap to improved safety performance.
According to Krause and Bell, the key to achieving excellent safety performance isn't just improving technologies or focusing on worker behavior. In order to excel in safety, your company needs to develop a strong safety culture. And that starts at the top.
While safety may not be their primary role, the CEO of a company is your most important safety officer. The leadership that sets the tone of your safety culture. And your culture informs and influences how everyone in your organization, from bottom to top, values and thinks about safety.
7 Insights Into Safety Leadership will help you get your leadership on board with the latest and most relevant perspectives in safety so you can build a strong safety culture.
Krause and Bell's 7 Insights are based on decades of experience working to transform the safety culture and systems of some of the biggest companies in the world. Some are intuitive. Others may be new, even controversial. But all of them are based on exhaustive research and the latest data in safety performance:
Safety performance leads to business performance
Safety Leadership starts with attention to serious injuries and fatalities
Leadership sets safety improvement in motion
Culture sustains performance, for better or worse
Safe decision-making is built on core safety concepts
Behavior plays a role, but a different one than expected