Quick and Easy 10 minute installation.
Installation Instructions Included.
Can be used as a weld-on O2 Bung.
This product is simply is screwed on to your existing sensor and the assembly is replaced into the O2 bung.
Easy & inexpensive modification.
Easier to install and more reliable than an electrical device!
No soldering or splicing involved!
Easily installed and removed, no troublesome wiring issues.
***This item is NOT FOR STREET USE: used with Offroad Racing Modified Exhaust Systems, Testing and Diagnostics only.***
40 CFR 1068.101 (4)(B) Manufactured and Sold Expressly for Non-Road Vehicles Used Solely for Competition.
Racing, Modified Racing Exhaust Testing an Tuning Diagnostics ONLY.
***Not sold For Use On Production Street Vehicles ("on road" or "on highway" vehicles).***