"101 Monologues for Kids!", is a monologue book intended for all children interested in theatrical arts. Each monologue written is based on an experience the author encountered either in their own life, or in the lives of the people they know and love, and are all 100% original. The material enclosed in this book transcends time and tastes: With over one hundred original monologues (to be precise, there is actually 102), the range of interest will appeal to a diverse group of young people, with focus on moral dilemmas, day-to-day struggles experienced through friendship, school, home/family life, as well as a vast array of comedic situations. Also included with each monologue are estimated age ranges, three to four outlined vocabulary words with definitions, and in the hard copy version of the book there is also a space for actors' notes. Though the book is originally intended for all ages, it can easily be adapted for a specific age group, such as the middle grades or younger. The monologue book opens with "Tips and Terms for Monologues and Acting", which is a helpful guide for students, teachers, and parents new to the acting world. This book's aim is not only to be enjoyable and educational for children, but it will also permit young actors to apply and reinforce personal values to each monologue with graceful subtlety. We hope you enjoy!